> Illustration

‘Feeling fruits’

Illustrations for promotional campaign of an editorial publication, made under the slogan ‘feeling fruits’.Each composition illustrated a micro-story that alluded to the harshness of the creative process:

1/7. These last two months I have felt as a strawberry, an apple and a lemon.

2/7. I have had days with avocado flavor. Hard days, decision making, going up and down, going out and going in.

3/7. I have been given apricots, some more sour than others, and have also been treated to fresh slices of melon, very sweet.

4/7. There was a day when a watermelon seed got stuck in my throat. Sea salt in the eyes.

5/7. I have also had red days, grapefruit red, as red and intense as they are fleeting; devoured by bites, tangerine segments ripped out in savage bites.

6/7. Other days I have laughed out loud, high, very high, with tears that have jumped from my eyes. I have danced to the sound of the mango.

7/7. And I had breakfast the bitterness of natural orange juice without sugar, but I had dinner the cloying sweetness of grapes that exploded in my mouth, one after another.


Work to promote own production product.